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STH9 1 Group XLVI

The STH9 1 group is a machine with limited dimensions, yet it does not lose sight of the professionalism that characterizes our products. Equipped with double boiler technology, along with high level electronics, it allows to adjust the tempe- rature, an extraordinary thermal stability and energy efficiency.

The materials used are the best on the market, with the same solidity and reliability as the ones used for our professional products.


  • Full stainless steel chassis
  • Insulated stainless steel boiler 3 Lt
  • Saturated group 7,5 kg
  • Latest generation P.I.D system
  • Adjustable preinfusion function
  • Internal rotation pump 100 liters / hour
  • Ceramic water tank 3 L
  • Ceramic drainer
  • Ceramic cup-support
  • Designed for water connection
  • Extraction stopwatch
  • Customizable machine


Net weight-41 Kg

Gros weight-55 Kg

Boiler capacity-3 l

Power (alternate modes) 1400 W

Power (combined mode) 2600 W

Frequency-50-60 Hz

Voltage-220-240 V

Black painted

LED light

STH9 1 Group XLVI

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